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CedarBridge issues class reminder for Monday

An overseas specialist is due to arrive on the Island by the end of this week to start conducting tests on the mould at CedarBridge Academy.

And parents are reminded that there is meeting this evening at the Dellwood Middle School starting at 5.45 p.m. to receive an update on the situation.

The imminent arrival of the specialist comes as the school prepares fresh arrangements for students displaced by the sudden closure of the school following concerns about the spread of a mould through a number of classrooms and the air-conditioning system. In its latest statement issued on behalf of the school, it is reported that the clean-up of the school building is continuing and a ?building envelope? specialist had arrived on the Island to conduct a preliminary inspection.

Such specialists deal with building foundations, walls and structures and interior aspects such as climate control.

An in-depth examination of the air conditioning system and recommendations for specific remedial and preventative measures for the future will also be planned out.

As the half-term break comes to an end this weekend students are being reminded where they will need to go to resume their studies as from next Monday.

Those who are S1, S2 or S3 students will have classes at the former Berkeley Institute.

There will be a phased welcoming of the students during Monday with S3 students asked to be at the school building in St. John?s Road by 11.45 a.m. to be followed by S2 students at 12.45 p.m. and S1 students to arrive by 1.45 p.m.

Those who are in S4 and S5 are to go to Bermuda College on Monday morning for a one hour orientation in Room G301 starting at 8.30 a.m.