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CentralSchool alumni sought

Old pupils of Central School - now Victor Scott Primary School - are being invited to form an alumni association to help raise funds to enhance facilities and encourage students.

The school's new head teacher Dr. Gina Tucker said many distinguished residents in Bermuda, including Attorney General Dame Lois Browne-Evans, were former pupils of the school and many had voiced interest in getting more involved to improve the building and the learning resources.

Dr. Tucker said it was 35 years ago on Saturday that the school, on Glebe Road, Pembroke, last had a major refurbishment and she and teachers were eager to mark the anniversary with the launch of a big fundraising drive.

Dr. Tucker said: "While the school is aptly funded and supported by Government, we recognise that additional resources will enable us to do a lot more with our students.

"To this end, in this 70th year of the school's existence, we are inviting Central and Victor Scott School alumni to assist us in improving the programmes currently offered at the school."

In September 1931, the amalgamation of four schools in Pembroke resulted in the establishment of the Central School.

These four schools were the Central School, Till's Hill School, North Village School and Pond Hill or Silk House School.

When they amalgamated, C.A. Isaac Henry was appointed principal.

Some 35 years after the launch of the new Central school, in 1966, a new $50,000 wing of the school was opened under the principalship of Yvonne Simmons.

That wing was opened on December 1, by then Governor Lord Martonmere.

Dr. Tucker said she and her team of teachers and staff were embarking on a major initiative to improve the school's education programme.

And she said the establishment of the alumni association was the first priority.

She hopes that the association will provide support for the school in a variety of ways, such as providing mentoring and encouragement to students to strive for excellence, and by raising funds for various school improvement projects.

Dr. Tucker added: "I know that Dame Lois Browne-Evans was a student here.

"Postmaster General Cleveland Crichlow, the late Frederick Wade, Dr. Wendy Woods and Phillip Butterfield, who has recently returned to the Island as the chief administration officer at the Bank of Bermuda, to name just a few, were all students here.

"I know there are so many others in the community who received their early education here. I meet one or two every day who say they want to help."

Dame Lois Browne-Evans said she would be very interested in joining the association if the school was to contact her.

She said: "I went to Central School right up to sixth form. My memories (of school) are good. If they ask me I will be most interested in helping.

"From time to time there have been old girls' associations, but they always petered out. I enjoy keeping in touch with people. I think this is a good idea."

Anyone interested should complete an information form, which will be available at various locations including all Post Offices, the Bermuda Industrial Union and the school.

A drop box will be at the central Post Office in Hamilton, or people can also get them faxed or mailed to them.

Call the school on 292-1787, for more information.