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Child molester tells cops 12-year-old girl ?seduced? him

A two time sex pest was sent to prison for ten years yesterday after he admitted having sex with a 12-year-old girl in 2002.

Assistant Justice Archibald Warner called Taiheed Jermaine Talbot ?a severe threat to society and young girls? after the 25-year-old pleaded guilty to unlawful carnal knowledge and sexual assault on a 12-year-old girl some time in January last year.

Crown counsel Graveney Bannister said on March 26, 2002 the girl?s guardian reported to Police that Talbot and the girl had sex. It was revealed that the two met through a school friend and had seen each other in St. George?s when Talbot invited her to his home. When questioned by Police on March 27, Talbot said: ?She seduced me?.

In the statement Talbot explained how the girl massaged his back and he told her: ?You?re going to get me locked up.?

The girl told him she would not tell any over her relatives about their encounter, he said. The girl got on the bed, he said, and draped a cover over her. She began massaging his stomach and he said that in his head he was thinking he shouldn?t have sex with her.

But then he added that the girl pulled out his penis and stroked him.

Talbot told Police he and the 12-year-old then had sex. He also told Police that it was hard to tell how old some young women are. The court heard that during questioning, the girl said she told Talbot she was 12.

Talbot had been convicted of two counts of sexual exploitation of a young person and unlawful carnal knowledge in 1996 and went to prison for four years.

Mr. Bannister submitted that, considering his previous convictions, Talbot should be jailed for five to seven years but added that the court should decide whatever would deter the defendant. Lawyer Mark Pettingill said Talbot?s guilty plea should be taken into consideration but also that the victim had not been victimised unwillingly.

But Mr. Justice Warner did not agree that the circumstance was a mitigating factor in the case. Before being sentenced Talbot said: ?Unfortunately, I?m guilty by the law which I accept and I?m willing to get things together.

?I need guidance and counsel? anything that will be beneficial to me.?

During sentencing, Mr. Justice Warner said: ?Bearing in mind the defendant?s previous convictions, he is a severe threat to society and young girls.?

Mr. Pettingill had asked that psychological and psychiatric reports be done on the man before sentencing. But Mr. Justice Warner dismissed the request, saying the charge carried a long period of incarceration and that he would be able to request treatment for Talbot while he was in jail.