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Church celebrates ?most important week in Bermuda?s history?

The First Church of God began to change the nation this week when its Nation Changing Conference got off with a loud ?hallelujah? on Thursday night.

Lights, music and dance set the scene for this grand scale 21st Century worship as large numbers of choristers and dancers happily praised God.

Shrugging off the damp night air, people in the audience clapped and sang along with the pastors on stage, whose faces were projected on a big screen for those in the bleachers to see.

And it was said that the speakers? voices were broadcast as far-afield as Paget by the many loud speakers.

Giving samples of his speech he will deliver tomorrow, Dr. Miles Monroe of Nassau, Bahamas said this was the most important week in Bermuda?s history.

He said NCC 2004 had to be held in the open air ?because no building can handle it. What we are about to do, this vision is not for any one specific church house, this is for all the people of Bermuda.

?Don?t be worried about the empty seats,? Dr. Monroe said. ?Thousands of angels are here tonight. This place is packed. All who need to be here tonight are present.?

He said the theme of the conference was ?changing a nation? and his subject was ?addressing the male factor?.

He defined the word righteousness from Hebrew as ?right positioning with authority? and went on to say that a nation must be righteous in its law-making.

Next, Dr. Wanda A. Turner, of Inglewood, California said her ?assignment for the next 72 hours was to address to woman about fresh awareness? and life changing concepts?.

She said that the majority of people in Bermuda were women and that ?a nation can?t change unless the majority of population is included?.

?I am challenging women to understand that we are being challenged by the Lord,? she said.

A Member of Cabinet was present in the audience, with Environment Minister Neletha Butterfield in a front-row seat.

The UBP?s Deputy Leader Wayne Furbert spoke from the stage.

?Bermuda is not as it used to be but if we all prayed we could make it better,? Mr. Furbert said. ?Let?s make it happen.?

NCC host, local Bishop Vernon G. Lambe Sr. said: ?It is important for us to hold Government up in prayer,?

The Nation Changing Conference 2004 began on Thursday and concludes tomorrow at the National Stadium in Pembroke.

Admission is free.