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Club goes all out in memory of Skittles

If you were wondering who is the beloved `Skittles' being memorialised at the entrance of the Somerset Bridge Recreation Club (SBRC), put your mind to rest. Members were fondly remembering the club's beloved pet - a Pitbull Terrier.

According to a member of the club, the dog was kept on White Hill field's property when it bit a man more than a month ago. In retaliation, the victim returned to the field and beat the animal to death.

Patrons of the club held a funeral for the dog and subsequently erected a sheet at the gate, the man said.

While he admitted the move was "unique", SBRC president Bray Saltus said the animal was well-loved.

"It was an animal that the community knew. You may have some communities who would just bury the dog and that's it. Certain individuals went a step further."