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College answers questions about St. Lucia trip

Questions were raised in Parliament on Friday as to why Bermuda College President Charles Green had been seen on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia having his accommodation paid for by the college.

In a statement Bermuda College has stated the paid-for trip south was to allow Dr. Green and three other members of the college facility to attend an education conference.

At the end of last week concerns were raised about the level of personal expenses claimed by Dr. Green from the college and the purpose for which he was using college funds. A number of leaked documents showing invoices associated with Dr. Green's college-paid expenses were reported in The Royal Gazette.

And during the adjournment debate of the House of Assembly former UBP leader Grant Gibbons questioned what the college president was doing in St. Lucia at the college's expense.

Earlier in the week the college released information on Dr. Green travelling to St. Lucia, stating it was to allow him to attend the Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE) Conference and Annual General Meeting along with three other college colleagues.

Dr. Green was accompanied by Dr. Larita Alford, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Eugenie Simmons, Director of the Centre for Professional and Career Education and Dr. Trescot Wilson, senior Business Studies lecturer and co-chair of the Bermuda College Accreditation Team.

Both Dr. Alford, who is a member of the CANQATE board of directors, and Dr. Wilson made presentations at the pre-conference workshops.

According the College statement Dr. Green and his team were attending the pre-conference workshops from November 21 to 23, and had been due to fly back on November 23.