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College lecturer voices concern

Experienced Bermuda College lecturer Michael Bradshaw fears for his future after rumours circulated his post as coordinator of planning and accreditation is to be axed. understands Dr. Bradshaw, who has recently completed doctoral studies in community college leadership at the University of Texas in Austin, could be let go in March 2005.

Dr. Bradshaw said: ?I don?t know anything. We have had a meeting. The union have had a meeting with the President. I am still in the dark.?

He has been at the college for 20 years and had been working with American colleges to formalise accreditation to help Bermudians moving on to Americans institutions and to help attract American students and funding here.

Sources said Dr. Bradshaw, 52, got a outline job description for his post in July 2002 but has not had anything formal since.

The Bermuda Public Services Union has been involved in the case.

Last night General Secretary Edward Ball said: ?All I can say is we are actively speaking to the board on all issues concerning Dr. Bradshaw and we should be receiving notice of a decision shortly.?