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College partnership a ?win-win situation?

Joining forces: Derek Snee director of Bermuda campus of Webster University (left), Eugenie Simmons (centre), director of professional and career education at Bermuda Collage and Linda Nottestad, assistant vice president for academic affairs at Webster University announce new ties between institutions and Mount Saint Vincent University.Photo by David Skinner

Students will be able to attain Master degrees in human resources and business administration at the Bermuda College through a new partnership beginning in January.

The joint venture, described as a progressive partnership with plenty of opportunities, involves the Bermuda College, Webster University and Mount Saint Vincent University.

The director of the College's Division of Professional and Career Education Centre (PACE), Eugenie Simmons, said it would be particularly beneficial for those with an interest in achieving associate, undergraduate, and graduate degrees in business, management and human resource management.

"It was simply too good and too obvious a match to miss, and the timing was right," said Ms Simmons yesterday. "Professional development and training opportunities are enhanced through Webster's global connections. It also raises the level of market driven workforce development for the course offerings that PACE offers."

Derek Snee, director of Webster University's Bermuda campus, said it would give the students international exposure.

"This partnership will also give local students the advantage of an international experience, along with the high level of diversity that overseas institutions, such as Webster, provide in higher education learning.

"We're really excited and looking forward to the new initiatives that will unfold as a result of this partnership.

"It's a win-win situation for both institutions, but particularly for Bermuda's students. It puts opportunities for success on a whole new level."