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College wants public input

The Bermuda College is inviting the public to a round table discussion next month to help steer them in the right direction for the future.

College spokeswoman, Evelyn James Barnett said of the upcoming discussion: ?It is forward planning for the direction of the College.

?Because we are a community college we want to make sure we are serving the needs of various stakeholders in the community,? she said.

The meeting is a tool to help the Island participate in the College?s Strategic Direction Initiative by giving their input on where they think the College should be headed and how to get there.

All member of the community are invited to the meeting and Ms Barnett said that she has sent out 400 invitations so far with a promising response from the business and hospitality industries as well as Government and Opposition members.

The College will be closed on January 28 for the day long meeting so College staff, faculty, and students can attend.

In preparation for the meeting the College has put together about 16 areas to be addressed including how to prepare students for various industries, whether or not there is a need to concentrate on different industries, development with technical education, and whether or not the College should be seen as a Telecommunications Centre.

These areas have been placed on the registration form and space will be given for attendees to suggest other concerns that need to be addressed at the meeting.

The form is intended to shape the meeting on January 28, said Ms Barnett.

The discussion at the meeting will be facilitated by staff, faculty, and division chairs, she added.

Ms Barnett said that before the end of the workshop she expects to have a summarised report of issues raised at the meeting.

A follow up meeting is also on the agenda, which will included a progress report of where the College is at with their future plans.

Ms Barnett expects a big turnout at the initial meeting.