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Commuter frustration as Police crackdown continues

Police plan to release some of the information on traffic violations they have gathered in the past month to the public on Wednesday, Police spokesperson Dwayne Caines said yesterday.

Meanwhile, they are asking for the public?s patience and indulgence as they continue to crack down on traffic violations, particularly during the morning rush hours.

Officers from the Traffic Enforcement Unit were stationed all over the Island yesterday morning for morning rush hour, pulling people off the main roads if they spotted any traffic violations.

Motorists were pulled over for offences such as unfastened seatbelts, failures to stop at stop signs, and unlicensed and uninsured vehicles, Mr. Caines said.

The initiatives took place at the height of rush hour, he explained, because Police were guaranteed to be able to check the highest volume of individuals at that time.

?We recognise this seems an inconvenience to the motoring public, however they will benefit overall from these initiatives through decreased insurance claims, more lives being saved, a decrease in collisions and the roads as a whole becoming safer,? Mr. Caines said.

Since the various initiatives began just under a month ago, Mr. Caines said Police have noticed a ?dramatic? decrease in speeding and road traffic collisions.

?That does not mean we?re satisfied,? he added. ?It can go lower.? Police will not ease their vigilance until the numbers are satisfactory, he said.

?The key words are patience and indulgence as we endeavour to make the roads safer for the people of Bermuda.?