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Compensation for sex attack victims

Two women who were abducted at knifepoint and subjected to hours of sexual abuse have been awarded thousands of dollars compensation.

The women, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have been awarded more than $52,000 between them for the pain and suffering they endured at the hands of rapist Calvin Eugene Trott in September of 1999.

The women were abducted by Trott after he broke into one of their homes at night.

He took both of them in a car, stole hundreds of dollars from them, and repeatedly sexually abused and threatened them, before eventually taking one of them home.

He then drove the second woman to Spittal Pond, where he forced her to perform oral sex on him and raped her.

She was finally able to summon help from a store on Court Street when he went into an alley way to urinate.

Trott was sentenced to 22 years for the attack on the women, but during the Supreme Court case, Prosecutor Peter Eccles said the women had been severely damaged by the ordeal.

He said they both slept with the lights on, were afraid to open windows, were scared of crowds, and said one of the women was too frightened to even go for a walk on her own. He said the only saving grace had been that no one had been killed.

The older of the victims, who was 28 at the time and who was taken to Spittal Pond and raped, has received $30,000 for pain and suffering, along with $1,000 for legal fees and $305 for money lost at the time. The other victim, a 22-year-old, received $20,000 for pain and suffering, along with $1,000 for legal costs and $15 for money lost.