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Cop attacker appeals to magistrate?s racial solidarity ? and fails

A 21-year-old persistent offender was jailed for six months at Magistrates? Court yesterday after admitting attacking a Policeman and wilfully damaging a Police vehicle.

Ezra Ezzard Williams, of Rambling Lane, Pembroke, begged Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner not to send him down, telling him: ?At least you could help a young black brother.?

But Mr. Warner said: ?Don?t tell me about young black men because you are a stupid black man.?

Williams pleaded guilty to assaulting the officer and causing him actual bodily harm in St. George. He also admitted kicking the door of a Police car, causing $250 worth of damage.

Crown counsel Cindy Clarke said that officers arrived at the White Horse Tavern just after 2 a.m. on August 30 and saw the defendant outside and unsteady on his feet.

She said he put his face inside the Police vehicle and muttered unintelligible words to the officer inside.

He was asked to move on twice but instead punched the Policeman on the top of his nose, causing him bruising and headaches.

Ms Clarke said: ?He was told he was being arrested. He told Police: ?I know you guys killed my cousin?.?

She said that once he was inside the Police car he kicked a hole in one of the back doors.

Williams, who was on bail at the time for another alleged offence and was serving a suspended 12-month jail term for assaulting a Police officer, told Mr. Warner that his cousin was Akil Williams, the 24-year-old who died on August 28 after his motorcycle left the road in Parsons Lane, Pembroke.

Williams reiterated in court his claim that Police were responsible for his cousin?s death and said he had been walking away from an argument at the White Horse when he was approached by Police. The defendant added that he was trying to change his life by working, taking classes and paying rent on a place of his own. ?I?m trying to do good,? he said.

But Mr. Warner told him: ?If you are telling me that you were behaving this way because you were afraid and upset that the Police were going to kill you because they killed your cousin, it has to make sense to me.?

He added: ?You are a violent young man. I don?t believe you.?

Mr. Warner said Williams? criminal record included convictions for violently resisting arrest, unlawful wounding and obstructing Police.

He sentenced him to six months in prison for the assault, 30 days for the damage and activated his suspended jail sentence for six months, to be served concurrently.

Police spokesman Dwayne Caines declined to comment on Williams? allegations about Akil Williams.