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Dame Lois to be honoured in October as Govt. chooses new National Heroes' Day

Dame Lois Browne Evans will be honoured at Bermuda's first National Heroes' Day in October as residents will enjoy an extra public holidaythis year, as the Queen's birthday holiday is gradually phased out.

The Queen's birthday parade will take place on Saturday, June 14 with a day off on Monday, June 16 while the first National Heroes' Day will be on Monday, October 13.

However, in 2009 the Queen's birthday parade will continue but there will be no public holiday associated with it .

National Heroes' Day will fall on October 12.

Government backed down from a plan to turn Bermuda Day (May 24) into National Heroes' Day in the face of strong opposition earlier this year.

Announcing the new October holiday at a press conference yesterday, Culture and Social Rehabilatation Minister Dale Butler said Government believed it essential that citizens had strong ties to local heroes and that young people grew up knowing intimately those who have paved the way for them.

Dame Lois was the first female Opposition Leader in the Commonwealth as well as Bermuda's first female barrister and first black woman MP.

Mr. Butler said Dame Lois, who died last year, was a "valiant warrior who always fought the good fight and Bermuda is better off as a result of her efforts.

"This is a great day for our country; our country's matriarch is getting her just due. We collectively mourned when Dame Lois passed and now we can truly begin the process of celebrating her life."

By establishing a publicly-known standard for heroes a culture of national pride would be created where young people know Bermudian legends and were aware of their historical significance, said Mr. Butler

He said he had already started the process of developing criteria to determine how other national heroes would be designated for commemoration in the future, with the measures to be approved by Cabinet.

Mr. Butler stressed a national hero would be defined as having outstanding qualites above and beyond what ordinary citizens do.

"How did one's life impact on the lives of ordinary citizens ¿ not just one's family but the country as a whole in a positive way?"

He said a national committee which had already been established for the naming of buildings, would make the recommendations to Government.

Mr. Butler said an amendment to the Public Holiday's Act 1947 would be made by the House of Assembly in May to pave the way for the change of holiday.

"I want to stress to the public this year you get a holiday in June but there is no holiday next year in June."

He said the day had been chosen after feedback from bodies including the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, the Bermuda Industrial Union, the Bermuda Union of Teachers, the Bermuda Public Services Union and the United Bermuda Party.

Dame Lois' daughter Nadine Browne-Evans Pusha said the family were elated by the honour.