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Divers join End to End

You?ve heard about the End to End walk and even the End to End swim.Now prepare for the End to End dive.A group of keen scuba divers is planning to take the plunge and journey underwater for the first time from Spanish Point Boat Club to Dockyard.

You?ve heard about the End to End walk and even the End to End swim.

Now prepare for the End to End dive.

A group of keen scuba divers is planning to take the plunge and journey underwater for the first time from Spanish Point Boat Club to Dockyard.

The idea came from a former member of the Bermuda Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) who was also a founding member of the End to End Walk.

The dive on Saturday May 1 coincides with the Boat Show so Marine Police only want two divers in the water at any one time.

Mandy Sodergren of BSAC, who is organising the event, said relay teams of two divers will do 20 minutes at a time and surface next to a boat to be replaced by two others.

Although a relay team will do it this year, she said she hoped individual divers will be able to make the entire 1.2 mile crossing next year.

?It?s a trial run and we are hoping that someone will be able to come up with a safe method that will enable someone to go the entire length next year,? she said.

?It is a long swim and it will be tiring, but it is pretty shallow so depth is not going to be an issue but direction will be.

?It will be very difficult to maintain any type of constant compass bearing all this time underwater. And unless we get it right, the flow current can be very strong, but a relatively fit diver with two cylinders would be able to make it.?

So far, eight divers have volunteered for the event, but any other experienced divers interested should contact Mandy on 292-0888 by Monday.