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Dolding awaits ruling

Michael Dolding will face at least another three months working for the Government he is suing.Bermudian Mr. Dolding is taking legal action against the Public Service Commission (PSC) after he claimed it did not follow the correct procedure with applicants for the director's role at Marine and Ports, a position given to present incumbent Barry Coupland while Bermudian Francis Richardson was given the director designate role.

Michael Dolding will face at least another three months working for the Government he is suing.

Bermudian Mr. Dolding is taking legal action against the Public Service Commission (PSC) after he claimed it did not follow the correct procedure with applicants for the director's role at Marine and Ports, a position given to present incumbent Barry Coupland while Bermudian Francis Richardson was given the director designate role.

The case was completed in Supreme Court yesterday with Queen's Counsel Saul Froomkin, representing Mr. Dolding, and Solicitor General Wilhelm Bourne, for the PSC, completing their legal arguments.

Assistant Justice Charles-Etta Simmons then warned "it will be some considerable time" before she delivers her ruling, although she said she hoped it would take around three months. This leaves Mr. Dolding to continue in his role as assistant director sitting in an office opposite from Mr. Coupland, who has been implicitly criticised during the submissions of wrongdoing in the PSC by Mr. Froomkin.

But Mr. Coupland is keen to play down any allegations of tension or unease in the office despite the ongoing legal action, telling The Royal Gazette: "My focus is on the work of the Marine and Ports service, at this busy time. "We have a lot of exciting work to do as part of a number of ongoing projects and that is the focus for all staff."

Although Mr. Dolding was unwilling to comment until the completion of legal proceedings, it is understood he shares a similar attitude and is keen to go about business as usual despite the unusual predicament.