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Drive to improve service welcomed

The Transport Ministry yesterday applauded efforts by the Bermuda Taxi Owners Association to improve the standards of service in Bermuda, saying it was pleased the industry was discussing the idea of using GPS.

At a BTOA meeting at the Warwick Workmen's Club on Wednesday night, members discussed various computerised dispatching systems that could be installed in their taxis. Though it was noted that virtually all dispatching systems on the market today are capable of having a GPS component, the majority of members present maintained their firm stance against GPS.

With the possibility of Transport Minister Ewart Brown writing GPS legislation by next year however, several also reasoned installing a system which could be converted to GPS should that become necessary would be economical in the long run.

"The Ministry of Tourism and Transport is pleased that the taxi industry is open to the idea of using GPS technology and it is something that the Minister has been advocating for quite some time now," a Ministry spokesman stated.

"The Ministry maintains that if the service standards of the taxi industry are to improve, then steps must be taken to ensure that. As stated before, the Ministry is encouraged that the members of the Bermuda Taxi Owners Association can come together to discuss positive changes, that will ultimately have a positive effect on our overall tourism industry."

The BTOA, which is also currently in the process of writing its first constitution, planned to continue researching dispatching systems on Wednesday night.