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Drugs found in cruise worker's sandals

A cruise ship worker was yesterday sent to prison for three years for his part in bringing drugs to the Island earlier this year.

Thaddeus Elton Spring, a 27-year-old Vincentian employed on the MV Horizon, had pleaded guilty to handling illegal drugs with intent to supply.

Prosecutor Cindy Clarke told the court at yesterday's sentencing hearing that Spring had attracted the attention of customs and Police officers when the Horizon berthed at Penno's Wharf on April 28 this year.

The officers became suspicious when they noticed that he had been standing in the same position for three hours.

When he was approached a drug detection dog alerted the officers to his sandals which were later found to contain 996.9 grams of cocaine worth between $105,000 and $280,375 on Bermuda streets.

Spring was described by defending and prosecuting counsel as co-operative when questioned by Police.

He was handed the sandals and told to wear them by a friend and co-worker when the ship visited St. Maarten on September 19, the court heard.

Once on board the co-worker told Spring to hold on to the sandals. The court also heard that Spring had become suspicious about the sandals and gave them back to his co-worker en route to Bermuda.

But he was persuaded to put them back on when the ship arrived in Bermuda. The co-worker gave Spring a cellular phone saying he would call with instructions.

Ms Clarke acknowledged that Spring had given "substantial assistance" to the Police and that one other person was in custody as a result, but she asked the court to impose a six-year prison sentence.

Spring's lawyer Elizabeth Christopher, assisted by Kae Thomas, cited his co-operation, limited education, an early guilty plea and the fact that he was supporting his mother and two younger siblings, as mitigation.

Acting Justice Archibald Warner described Spring's co-operation as his case's "silver lining" which had earned him a 40 percent discount on a six-year sentence.

He then shaved off another six months for the other mitigating factors.

Spring said he had not intended to get involved and apologised for breaking the country's laws.

"I was misled by someone I think was a friend to me. That's the reason why I got caught in breaking the law of this Island and I'm very sorry."