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Duo fined for East End battle

Two men charged in connection with Wednesday's daytime fight in King's Square, St. George's were brought handcuffed together before Magistrate Carlisle Greaves yesterday.

Glenn Fox, 35, of no fixed abode was arrested on June 6 after an altercation in front of a crowd of visitors and school children.

He pleaded guilty to uttering offensive words and resisting arrest, but denied charges of taking part in a fight and assault.

Crown counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson told the court that on Wednesday, Fox attended Freddie's pub in St. George's. He was refused a drink inside the pub and uttered offensive words to the bartender.

"What, my money is not good enough," Fox asked the bartender.

Mrs. Vaucrosson said he then assaulted the bartender, before being asked to leave.

Outside of the pub, Fox became involved in an altercation with another man, Robert Lee Pitcher. Police were called to the scene only to be met by a verbally abusive Fox.

As he was being arrested he told Police: "You should be ashamed, arresting me in front of all these "f*** children."

The court heard that Fox had previous convictions for similar offences, the last being in 1999.

Noting Fox's record, Mr. Greaves said: "You don't know how to behave.

"Explain to me why we are getting so much bad behaviour from you down there."

Fox did not respond.

Mr. Greaves sentenced him to three months each on the charges of using offensive words and resisting arrest; the sentences are to run concurrently. He was ordered to appear on June 25 to answer the fighting charges.

Pitcher, 28, of no fixed abode, meanwhile pleaded not guilty to three charges of assault, uttering offensive words and taking part in a fight. He was bailed for $500 and ordered to appear for trial on June 25.

Pitcher pleaded guilty to a fourth charge of resisting arrest.