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EMO emergency contact database in the works

A cell phone and contact database system is in the works for the Emergency Measures OrganisationThe EMO is currently working on a business plan to create an emergency contact database in case of emergencies.During last week's power outage many businesses were not able to contact their employees in order to instruct them not to come to work.

A cell phone and contact database system is in the works for the Emergency Measures Organisation

The EMO is currently working on a business plan to create an emergency contact database in case of emergencies.

During last week's power outage many businesses were not able to contact their employees in order to instruct them not to come to work.

Many businesses had contact lists at the offices but not at their residence.

EMO is working on a plan where a cell phone database can be used to send and receive critical text messages to their members during these types of emergencies.

Businesses who are willing to participate in the plan are encouraged to contact the chamber of commerce to provide all the necessary information.