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Family left frustrated by legal system

After Jacquelyn Fubler pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm to Stephen Ebbin, Magistrate Tyrone Chin remanded the former day care owner in custody until she appears in the Supreme Court for sentencing.

Magistrates can only impose a maximum jail sentence of one year but Fubler could be jailed for up to ten years when she is sentenced by a judge in Supreme Court

Former Director of Public Prosecutions Khamisi Tokunbo made the decision to deal with the case in Magistrates? Court two years ago but it was repeatedly adjourned due to Fubler?s inability to prepare her defence.

Ms Ebbin says the decision to have the case heard in Magistrates? Court upset the family, but they went along with it because the DPP had advised them it would be easier to get a conviction by a magistrate as opposed to a jury.

?When it came to hearing about the type of sentence we felt it wasn?t enough time. Twelve months wasn?t good enough,? said Ms Ebbin.

The Ebbin family wrote letters to the Governor and to Government Ministers including then Health Minister Nelson Bascome and then Attorney General Lois Browne Evans asking for the case be moved to the Supreme Court where harsher sentences can be imposed.

Every time they were told the case was going to go to trial, it was adjourned. As Stephen began to grow older Ms Ebbin said she felt frustrated enough to ?rip someone?s head off? if the delay continued.

?I needed justice for my son and closure for my entire family,? she said.