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Family pet falls victim to hit and run driver

A woman was left grief-stricken after her family pet was left to bleed to death within yards of her home when out for his daily ten minutes of exercise.

Spinner, the ten-year-old Pomeranian, was hit on Tuesday morning on Pearman's Hill, a private road off Radnor Road in Shelly Bay.

And owner Victoria Manning, a 53-year-old nurse, who has had the dog since he was a puppy, is furious at the way in which her "loving and friendly" pet met its grisly end.

"Whoever it was who hit our dog just left him to bleed to death in the road," a clearly upset Ms Manning told The Royal Gazette.

"We let him out for just ten minutes every day and he is not the sort of dog to chase people or cars, he was certainly not a danger to traffic. What can a Pomeranian to do anyone?"

She has been particularly angered because whoever it was who did hit the dog didn't attempt to try and find the owner, something she thought could easily have been done just by knocking on some doors.

"If it was indeed an accident, they could have made more effort to find the owner," she continued.

"There were no marks on the road to indicate that they were trying to avoid this evil action and somebody is obviously lacking the courtesy, the concern or the compassion to own up to this.

"Spinner was a house dog, no bother to anyone, and as friendly a pet as you could have.

"We are grief-stricken by this loss, Spinner was a member of our family and loved very much - his death has caused us great pain."

Ms Manning has asked that anyone who may have been involved to contact her to "express concern or explain" by paging 299-0776 or 294-0802.

She also wanted to give this message to the driver of the car, truck or bike that hit her pet: "Whomever you are, we feel you are rather cruel and without a conscience and obviously have little respect for man or beast.

"We hope and pray you never experience the loss of a loved one through the fault of another, however should it occur you will then know how we feel.

"Let your conscience be your guide."