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Fare increase approved

Senators last night approved a ten percent increase in bus and ferry fares.And while applauding Transport Minister Ewart Brown's efforts to improve the public transportation system, senators of all political stripes urged Bermuda residents to make greater use of the services available.

Senators last night approved a ten percent increase in bus and ferry fares.

And while applauding Transport Minister Ewart Brown's efforts to improve the public transportation system, senators of all political stripes urged Bermuda residents to make greater use of the services available.

The fare increases take effect on April 1. Seniors and Special Persons will continue to travel free, but a bus journey up to three zones will cost $3, while the longer 14 zone journey will cost $4.50.

Somerset ferry service will cost $4 per ticket, while the Paget and Warwick service will cost $2.50.

It was pointed out by Independent Senator Walwyn Hughes that the public transportation system was heavily subsidised by taxpayers and greater usage should help the balance sheet.

Opposition Senator Leonard Santucci said Government should consider a trial period of lower fares to see if usage goes up.

But Government Senate Leader Larry Mussenden said that the public can already make great savings purchasing monthly passes.

And Opposition Senate Leader Kim Swan said that the fare increases was one way in which Government can close a growing deficit and urged Government to be more prudent with the country's finances.

The fare increases will be the first since 2001.