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February 28 deadline to vacate Southside

The Southside building project will be put back at least six weeks after businesses on the site were finally given notice to leave.

They have reacted angrily to the news they were being given until February 28 to move by landlords, Bermuda Land Development Corporation (BLDC) and are threatening to stay put.

Both sides are now consulting lawyers and long legal battle could ensue after a tense meeting on Monday night when BLDC broke the news.

Bermuda Homes for People plan to build 196 homes at Ship?s Wharf and had hoped to break ground in January but have accepted the new date.

Project Manager Brian Rowlinson said: ?It puts the project back by six weeks and if they stay longer then obviously it puts it back even further. I don?t know what the legal position is, that?s for BLDC.

?At the moment we can cope with six weeks delay but beyond February 28 it will start to get serious.?

He said Bermuda Homes for People (BHP) had already spent $750,000 on architects drawing and lawyers fees for the Harbourside Village project which will offer 98 homes at a budget $199,000 and another 98 homes being sold at the market rate.

But he said BHP were still willing to put in another $750,000 to cover relocation costs for business.

Businesses had been warned the land would be taken back and were on a month to month notice but no official word had been given as BLDC negotiated with Government over the transfer of the land.

Jim Anthony of Amber Fisheries said it would take him four months to move but businesses were being given about eight weeks when holidays were factored in.

He said: ?A lot of people have said ?If I have no place to go I am not going to put myself out of business?.?

He said BLDC bosses Patrick Jones and Richard Calderon had come in for criticism but the real blame lay with Government who were rushing the process.

BLDC have promised new premises across the road for the businesses but the site won?t be ready until the summer.

Mr. Anthony said: ?So for a lousy six months they are prepared to put 35 businesses and 200 people out of work. That?s why people are saying if I can?t find a place by February 28 I will keep working.?

Local MP Renee Webb said it was a great project but if not managed right it would be a disaster. Asked if it was being managed properly she said: ?No comment.?

BLDC spokesman Richard Calderon said he hoped the situation could be resolved and admitted there had been a ?certain level of upset? about the eviction notice, adding: ?Clearly they are not happy about the deadline.?

He said BLDC were still in talks with Government about a price for the land.