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Female juror complains defendant blew kisses at her

Supreme Court Puisne Judge Norma Wade-Miller admonished the three Bermudian defendants, Robert Blair Tucker, Terranz Sidney (Monster) Smith and James Alan (Spooks) Dill after a female juror complained that one of them had been blowing kisses at her.

During a set of legal arguments a stern Mrs. Justice Wade-Miller said that the jury foreman had sent her a note that a juror had complained about the kisses being blown at her.

?I don?t know which of you it is ? the jury foreman doesn?t say ? but please stop,? the normally soft spoken judge said. ?It?s because it?s not helping you in this serious situation.?

Later, to the jury, she explained what had happened to ?those of you who may be puzzled? that she ?had admonished all three defendants and if it happens again, please let the foreman know and I?ll be notified and I?ll deal with it?.