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Film moved Richai to help

A kind-hearted youngster gave a Christmas boost to burns victim Dejon Simmons yesterday, by handing over $1,000 raised through his fundraising efforts.

Richai Thompson was so touched by news coverage of the 17-year-old?s brave fight back from a bike crash that nearly killed him that he organised a bake sale to help him.

Richai, a student at Sandys Middle School explained: ?I heard about what had happened to Dejon when it was on TV, and felt bad for him, so I had a bake sale outside my Dad?s house two weeks ago with some help from my friends.?

His Mum, Cheryllynne Thompson, explained that his $500 fundraising effort had then been matched by her company Tyco.

?Everyone is so proud of Richai. He?s a very sensitive soul. I watched the Dejon documentary with him and it was the most moving thing I have ever seen in my life,? she said. ?Dejon is an extraordinary person and I believe that he?s been chosen by God for a distinct purpose in life.?

Dejon, a Berkeley Institute student, spent over a year in hospital after his accident in July, 2004 which left him with third-degree burns to more than 90 percent of his body.

He still faces many more operations at the Boston Shriners Hospital, which specialises in treating young burn victims.

Meeting generous Richai for the first time yesterday, Dejon said: ?I can?t believe that someone would do this for me. It?s amazing how much people have been touched by what has happened to me. It?s great to meet Richai and say thank you.?

And Dejon?s mother, Flo Simons, said: ?I was overjoyed when I heard about what Richai had done for Dejon. It?s so nice as you don?t see too many young people do something like that.?

The money will be paid into the Dejon Simmons fund to pay for his ongoing medical expenses.