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Fire prevention week launched

The fire bell rang at the Hamilton Fire Station yesterday to mark the launch of this year's Fire Prevention Week.

Public Safety Minister Randolph Horton rang the bell after reading the proclamation to a roomful of young students who were taught 'When Fire Strikes: Get Out, Stay Out', the theme for the week.

Even though Bermuda has been spared devastating infernos similar to the one currently ravaging California, Mr. Horton wanted to remind Bermudians that Island residents should never be "complacent" when it comes to fire.

"We are truly blessed here in Bermuda in that we very rarely do we have a major fire. But we must always be prepared, hence the importance of Fire Prevention Week."

The nursery and primary school students were treated to a fire prevention movie and donned plastic fire hats as they toured exhibits and marvelled at the gleaming, red fire trucks. They also learned how firemen save lives.

Fire Chief Vincent Hollinsid explained that since the beginning of the year, 911 fires have been recorded and have caused $1.2 million in damage.

But Mr. Horton said that public safety and education helped prevent fires and that with simple steps such as installing fire alarms on every floor of a house and learning an escape plan, lives and property can be spared.

Fire Prevention Week also got underway in the US and the UK and Mr. Horton said Bermuda was joining the National Fire Protection Association to send out the message about the importance of fire safety.