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Fire Service to recruit civilians who can keep cool

Bermuda Fire Service is looking to recruit 12 civilians for the emergency dispatch centre to free up trained firefighters for frontline duty.

The dispatch centre, which is currently staffed by uniformed officers, is open round the clock all year round.

Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Terry Lister said the move would allow skilled firefighters to be available for emergencies.

Chief Fire Officer Vincent Hollinsid said he was looking for public-spirited individuals who could react coolly in a stressful situation.

"The post can be a very intense tour of duty and we are hoping that individuals who apply will bring a sense of professionalism to the job as they will be interacting with many members of the community," he said.

Although the job could be demanding, it would be exciting and fulfilling as well, he promised.

Applicants must have completed the Bermuda Secondary School Certificate or equivalent and have experience working in a computerised environment.

As well as working shifts, the successful applicants will have to do some administration. The deadline for applications is November 6.