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Fisher and Dreyfuss to head jury

ACTORS Carrie Fisher and Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss are to head this year’s Bermuda International Film Festival jury.The announcement was made yesterday by festival organisers, who are now in the final stages of preparation for the festival’s tenth anniversary.

The festival jury is required to decide the winning film in three categories — the Mary Green Mitchell Award for Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary and the M3 Wireless Bermuda Shorts Award.

Joining the acclaimed actors on their task, are documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson, actor Ben Newmark, film festival director Tamara Tarasova, short filmmaker Vito Rocco and local filmmaker Lucinda Spurling.

“We are delighted to have assembled such a fine and diverse group as jurors for our tenth anniversary festival,” said festival director Aideen Ratteray Pryse.

Tickets for BIFF 2007 are now on sale online at www.biff.bm, and at the festival box office at No. 6 Passenger Terminal between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.