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Focus seeks permission for inpatient rehab centre

Focus Counselling Services finally has the go ahead to convert its existing property in St. George?s into an inpatient supportive housing residence for recovering drug addicts.

The supportive housing residence would cater to people who have already completed a 90-day treatment programme.

At the May 18 Development Applications Board meeting, Focus was granted change of use permission for 37 Barry Road, however it will have to submit an application for planning permission for internal renovations in order to obtain a building permit.

Focus applied to the Planning Department for a halfway home in 2001 but was stalled by a group of concerned Barry Road residents.

The residents formed a Committee of Concerned Residents and hired Llewellyn Peniston as their lawyer.

The Committee was concerned that the facility would increase the noise and crime levels on their street.

Initially Focus wanted to treat 24 people but Planning only gave them permission to treat 12 people.

Focus spokeswoman Sandy Butterfield said they are creating: ?(A) Supportive residence for people who have completed an inpatient treatment programme.?

She said the programme would be fully staffed and very structured, with patients attending school or work. There will also be regular drug testing. Patients will be allowed stay at the supportive residence ?as needs be? Ms Butterfield said.

The Development Application meeting minutes state that Focus is allowed provide residence for no more than 12 patients, however this number does not include staff.