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Forum to discuss Obama story

IMAGINE Bermuda, a community organisation aimed at inspiring and uniting all people and races of Bermuda, is holding a public forum next week to discuss one the most "transformative figures" of this generation.

US President-elect Barack Obama (pictured), set to be inaugurated on January 20, has captured the minds, imaginations and hopes of people the world over, including here in Bermuda.

Founder of Imagine Bermuda, Glenn Fubler, spoke to the Mid-Ocean News, saying that Obama's "campaign and resulting successful election has been an unprecedented phenomenon with global ramifications".

According to Mr. Fubler, "in light of the nature of his (Obama's) story and its implications for us", Imagine Bermuda felt it was a story worthy of examination and discussion.

The panel forum, including former Premiers Sir John Swan and Alex Scott and community activists, Mr. Fubler and ex-United Bermuda Party Senator Michael Winfield, will discuss "Perspectives on Obama" and is open to the public to join the conversation.

Wendy Davis Johnson, who is the sister of Bermudian Spencer Critchley, a communications consultant who worked on Obama's campaign team, will chair the panel.

"This son of a mother from Kansas and father from a remote village in Kenya has lived out a story in a way that has gained the attention of people all over the planet," said Mr. Fubler, who has written extensively about Obama's historic rise to presidency and his ability to unite and inspire.

"His success was celebrated in the 'four corners' of the world. His life offers an engaging story of personal transformation.

"Obama faces perhaps the most challenging combination of circumstances of any president in living memory. This provides for a most interesting mix for discussion."

The forum will be held on Wednesday, the eve of the birthday of Martin Luther King, from 7.30 p.m. The venue is at St. John's Sunday School in Pembroke.