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Fresh TV granted five-year licence

Government has given Fresh TV a new lease of life with the granting of a five year licence to broadcast from Government?s cable channel 3.

The company also announced yesterday that it also had permission to broadcast on World on Wireless? digital cable service, but operations will not start until some technical challenges are worked out.

?Fresh TV will operate under the Class 1 Broadcasting License as prescribed under the Government Fees Act1965,? he said. ?The Minister of Telecommunications and E-Commerce,the Honorable Michael J. Scott, JP, MP said that he wishes Fresh TV well and looks forward to a vibrant and fresh approach to local TV under the Fresh TVbanner,? Fresh TV?s press statement said.

President of Fresh Creations Limited and Fresh TV, Mr. Elmore A Warren said he was pleased with the Ministry?s decision to grant the lease.

?Our first year in the market had its challenges as all new stations do, but we have learned from them and have grown.

?Going into our second year we feel confident that Fresh TV will regain momentum and become Bermuda?s first choice for television content,? he said.

?We have hit shows and events in the works and have a successful track record with shows such as Cooking with Friends, Al & Chrif?s and GTV.

?Each of these shows had viewing audiences between 8 and 10,000 per show which proves that Fresh TV has the ability to win an audience-share worthy of sponsorship.

?Fresh TV?s live programming including BDA.M, Jungle Boogie,Strictly Gage and Crew, The Law and You, TanzaouiTakes in addition to On Stage and our music and gospel programmes have also brought in large viewing audiences from all age groups, diversities and cultures.?

He went on to say that viewers regularly call the station to request a return of BDAM and its daily Community Newscast was still a popular alternative for community and thanked Fresh TV supporters and sponsors for their faith.

?Our open format and non network affiliation allows the flexibility to respond to the ever-changing needs of the community and provides programming around the clock.

?We are also extremely pleased with the success of our interactive youth program,e, HUGO Interactive which has been attracting children of all ages.?

Fresh TV was officially launched in May 2003 and has provided over 1000 hours of local programming, the statement continued.

The company is negotiating with sponsors for BDA.M.and hopes to bring the programme back on weekday mornings. ?The anticipated return of the local morning infotainment programme brings interviews with local and international guests from all walks of life accompanied by refreshing morning commentary from the Fresh local hosts,? the statement said.

?Fresh TV is pleased to note that HUGO Interactive, Bermuda?s first educational interactive children?s show, sponsored by Cablevision, the Department of Telecommunications and E-Commerce, Toys and Stuff and supported by the Bermuda Junior Library is wrapping-up its first successful season this month and a second season is signed and set to begin in the new year.?

It said Fresh TV?s ?Friends of Fresh Discount Club? was in ?full swing with many sponsors on board providing discounts and monthly give-aways to lucky Friends of Fresh members.

The Friends of Fresh Club has already assisted in funding the Fresh on 3 News segment, Youth in the News.?

And Fresh TV is calling on local artists and filmmakers to contact them if they are interested in showcasing their work.

Government had given Fresh TV permission to broadcast on its channel three without having to pay the annual$14,000 fee for its first year.

It then demanded a report from the station before making the decision to allow it to continue.

Telecommunications Minister Michael Scott said yesterday that Fresh TV will be required to pay an annual fee under the new arrangement.

?The object has always been for them to use the government channel to provide local content,? he said.?

?The conditions are that they continue to become a television broadcaster who focuses on local content to try and stimulate the growth of local content in our television services.

?The value added is they can now transmit on another cable carrier and they will obviously work out the business arrangement with World on Wireless and it will give them a dynamic that is more expansive than being restricted to the Government channel and we will of course leave it to Fresh to determine what shape their content will take and of course I look forward to their success in this regard.?