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George Jackson keeps second highest Police post

Deputy Police Commissioner George Jackson has received a second three-year term.

Deputy Police Commissioner George Jackson has been re-appointed to the post for another three years, Government House announced yesterday.

He was selected over two other senior Police officers for the second in command position by a panel of interviewers, including Deputy Governor Nick Carter and members of the Public Service Commission. The Royal Gazette believed that Superintendent Larry Smith and Superintendent Sinclair White had been the other two candidates in the running for the job.

A statement from Government House said: “After a selection process comprising interviews and consultation with the Public Service Commission, His Excellency (the Governor, Sir John Vereker) has decided that Mr. George Jackson be re-appointed to the office of Deputy Commissioner of Police when the latter's present contract expires in early December, 2003.”

Last night, Mr. Jackson declined to comment, and Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith was off the Island.

Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety Robert Horton, however, did speak to the re-appointment. He said: “I'm extremely pleased and I congratulate him on his re-appointment.”

The Police Commissioner's three-year contract is due to expire in the first quarter of 2004 and that post is also to be re-advertised. Mr. Smith is expected to re-apply for the position again.