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Get a move on, says Senator

Independent Senator Jeanette Cannonier took Government to task yesterday, challenging them to get on with doing the people's business in a more timely fashion.

Sen. Cannonier made the attack on Government in the Upper House, saying tomorrow will be four weeks into the new legislative session and the Senators have not seen a Bill yet.

And she countered Sen. Burch's claim that it takes two weeks for a Bill to be tabled in the House of Assembly, noting that Government has had ample time to debate legislation in the House.

"They have met three times already," she said. "This Friday will make it four. We look at things to be laid - amendments to the Business Act and the Bermuda Monetary Act. We are four weeks into this session and there are still Bills yet to be presented. Hopefully in the next session we will see Bills and Acts in a more timely notion - we need to get on with the business of this Country."

Sen. Cannonier also took aim at the Throne Speech yesterday and said that Government needed to put more priority on the Island's senior citizens.

"There are no initiatives to help our seniors," she said. "A lot of them are out there struggling and doing the best they can with dignity.

"I would have hoped there was something in the Throne Speech that would pertain to the quality of life for our senior citizens."