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Get your kid ready for school ? with a little help from the young

Gina Spence-Farmer: Security cameras needed, Senator saysPhoto by Akil Simmons

The youth members of the United Bermuda Party will host a back to school event this evening at the Pembroke field off Parsons Road to ensure that kids have all the supplies they need before returning to school next week.

Senator Gina Spence-Farmer said Young United Bermuda, the youth group of the United Bermuda Party, saw that the Pembroke community needed assistance after canvassing the area. The group went door to door to discuss what constituents thought was important, while housing was at the top of most lists many complained that they did not have enough money to prepare their children for school.

Thus, the 30-person group decided that they could help meet the needs of these families before school started. After countless calls and hours of organisation the group has assembled 500 school bags, filled with pencils and other necessities, 100 bus passes and 100 gift vouchers valued at $100. The vouchers are from various clothing stores that provide uniforms such as the English Sports Shop, Gibbons and the Bermuda Uniform Store.

"Support from the community has been tremendous," the Senator said. "We have corporate support, a lot of corporate support. People are still ringing today (yesterday) to offer goods and help. And the community is involved, neighbours are assisting as well. It has been overwhelming. It's going to be a big block party."

The goods will be given away from 6 p.m. till 8 p.m. this evening. PLP central committee member LaVerne Furbert questioned whether the goods would be going to the most needy families. Mrs. Spence-Farmer said the group had worked with the Coalition for the Protection of Children, Teen Services, the Pembroke Youth Centre and the Sunshine League to ensure that the goods would get to the right people. They have assigned about 200 people items already but there will be some left over. Everyone who enters the event will be given a ticket and the remaining goods will be given out lottery style.

She added that there would be several performances including one from Tiny T. There will also be a basketball competition and a football game.

"With all the negative that we hear about young people it is great to see young people who want to make something happen," she said. "What's really great is some of the men in the community have organised a young guys vs. old guys football match. They will have trophies and everything. We often hear about men not participating but these guys are trying to do something positive. I find that when community starts to rally around a cause that is when action happens."

She said that the young people involved in the group were not overly concerned that some were criticising the event saying it had political motives. She said they never pretended to be anything that they were not but insisted that the young people in the group were more concerned about actually accomplishing something to benefit a community than political point scoring.

"They just want to help the people," she said. "It's not about political gain. They just want to get the job done. They hear about a need and they want to do something to make that person's life easier, they want to make it happen."

She added that the group hoped this would be an annual event and were already looking at other ways to help the Island. In particular they are looking at the need and feasibility of either a breakfast or lunch programme.

This evening there will be a booth with more information about Young United Bermuda, as well as booths containing information about the Bermuda College, De Boys Day Out and several church youth groups. There will also be a food court

If it rains the event will be held at the Youth Centre on Angle Street.

*Families who get Financial Assistance from Government can get an allowance of up to $2,000 per child, per calendar year, towards the purchase of school clothing and school supplies.

Eight families have received such allowances this year according to the Ministry of Health and Family Services.

The Ministry said needy families have been receiving financial assistance for school clothing and supplies for the last eight years. The allowance is, however, only offered to Financial Assistance clients and the amount provided is determined as part of the clients' routine Needs Assessment test.

The Ministry said no child should have to be inappropriately clothed for school and urged families in need of financial assistance to apply to the Financial Assistance Office that is located in the Global House, Church Street, Hamilton or call 297-7600.