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Gibbings? father to come to Bermuda

Marcus Gibbings

The father of murder victim Marcus Gibbings is to visit Bermuda in the new year as he continues to search for answers about his son?s death.

Nearly 50 days after the Trinidadian 32-year-old was found stabbed to death at a Devonshire apartment, Police yesterday said they had still not charged anybody in connection with the case.

The victim?s father, Richard Gibbings, who lives in Trinidad, says the family is finding it increasingly difficult to come to terms with the tragedy while nobody faces any charges.

Mr. Gibbings Sr. said he wants to come to the Island to speak to officers face-to-face to help him understand how the investigation is progressing.

He said yesterday: ?The last time I spoke to the Police on the phone, last week, they said everything was the same and there had been no further developments. I don?t know what I can make about that because I?m not out there in Bermuda.

?I hope to come up in January. Maybe things will feel different if I can speak to people on a one-on-one basis. I don?t know whether I will find anything out or who I will be able to speak to, but it should at least help me get a grip on what?s going on.

?I just hope that when I do go there I will somehow get some more information and some more answers. I?m still in the dark. I don?t know what?s happening.?

Mr. Gibbings said the grieving family is expecting to face a tough Christmas. He said: ?They want to focus on things, but we can?t because it?s not done yet. The next few weeks are going to be difficult.

?Marcus had been planning to come over to Trinidad either at Christmas or next year, but with his untimely death, that is now not going to happen. It is a very difficult time.?

Bermuda Police Service spokesman Dwayne Caines yesterday said there was no further progress to report since the last Police press conference two weeks ago, when it was announced two people were on bail in connection with the case but nobody had been charged.

Mr. Gibbings has previously accused the Police investigation of being slow-going. He wrote to the Trinidad and Tobago Government about the matter last month, alleging officers ignored information about a possible suspect in the case.

However, he now says he accepts the case is going to take longer than he had hoped. Mr. Gibbings Jr.?s body was discovered in a home in Derwent Road on Thursday, October 26. Officers believe he was deliberately targeted by the killer, who attacked him with a bladed weapon.

At the press conference two weeks ago, Police revealed Mr. Gibbings was allegedly involved in an altercation in the weeks leading up to his death.

They said somebody claimed to have seen the victim arguing with another man in the City of Hamilton and appealed for that individual to come forward.

However, Mr. Gibbings Sr. said he spoke to his son days before he was murdered and received no indication he had been involved in a row.

He maintains his son was a ?happy-go-lucky guy? who would walk away from trouble.

Police have taken more than 140 statements from friends, colleagues and other people associated with Mr. Gibbings Jr., who moved to the Island nine years ago.

One person, understood by to be a woman, was arrested in connection with the murder last month before being released on bail.

A 59-year-old man was also arrested for obstructing the Police investigation. He was also released on bail.

Anybody who saw anything suspicious in the area of Derwent Lane, Roberts Avenue or Glebe Road, in Devonshire, should contact the investigation team at 299-4239 or Crimestoppers on 1-800-623-8477.