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Gotcha! Bermuda Regiment rounds up no-show conscripts

The long arm of The Regiment caught up with some reluctant conscripts yesterday during an Island-wide clampdown on those trying to avoid their call-up duty.

Two conscripts who had failed to show for enlistment were rounded up by military officers, and the wide-reaching exercise netted information that should prove useful in tracking down more of the absent conscripts in coming weeks.

Major Wayne Smith warned those who are trying to avoid their enlistment duties to think again, because there will be no let up in efforts to hunt down those on The Regiment?s wanted list.

One man was rounded up yesterday at the Lindos supermarket in Warwick.

?We are collecting soldiers who have been conscripted but failed to appear for enlistment at the station,? said Sgt. Smith.

?Today we captured two persons. However, we did obtain a significant amount of information about other people on our list, their nicknames, details about where they work and where they hang out.

?We will collect the remainder of the people on the list and we advice them to help themselves and ourselves and save a whole lot of time by presenting themselves to The Regiment at Warwick Camp or by calling 238-1045 to make arrangements to sort out the administration of getting them into The Regiment.?

Amongst the officers who helped make the captures yesterday was Sgt. Keith Worms, who has rejoined The Regiment after having to step down for a time because of other commitments.

Sgt. Smith said: ?He has been effective in this capacity in the past and has proved successful in catching these people again.?

He would not reveal how many names remain on The Regiment?s wanted list, but warned that with the additional information that has now been gathered there will be another round-up exercise. ?To save embarrassment these people, who are required by law to serve their country, should come forward or we will take them from their places of work, their homes, their wives, wherever they are,? he said.