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Government completes review of quangos

Parish councils may be overhauled following the recent completion of a review of quangos, Health Minister Patrice Minors reported during parliamentary question time on Friday.

Mrs. Minors responded in writing to questions posed by her shadow counterpart Michael Dunkley who was seeking an update of Parish Councils.

Asked whether Government intended to act on its commitment to review the role of Parish Councils, the Minister said that Government had just completed a review of all quangos and she was studying the recommendations before sharing her views with Cabinet. And asked whether whether Government will reduce funding to Parish Councils ?in light of the fact that Parish Councils no longer have oversight of Parish Rest Homes,? Mrs. Minors said only two Parish Councils were operational ? Warwick and Pembroke ? and they did oversee, and receive funding for, the rest homes.

But she added that a review of the administration of elder care, which included rest homes, was ongoing. ?When this review is complete and alternate oversight systems established, changes will be made to the role of Parish Councils in this regard.? She also informed the House of Assembly that accounting firm KPMG was probing Parish Councils which had been delinquent in providing audited financial statements and would establish new procedures ?to ensure the delivery of audited financial statements in the future.?