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Government rushes to aid of athletics meet

Government last night handed the troubled International Race Weekend athletics event an $80,000 lifeline.

Acting Premier Paula Cox instructed Minister of Sport Dale Butler to release the funds to try and save the world-renowned showpiece sporting spectacular.

The money, which will go a significant way to reaching the estimated $130,00 budget for the January event, has been diverted from the budget of the little-known Great Bermuda Walking Marathon.

It is unclear whether the cash boost will rescue the race weekend as a shortage of sponsorship ? the original reason for its cancellation ? is still a factor in whether international athletes and charity walkers alike will flock to the Island?s shores in mid-winter.

On Thursday the Bermuda Track and Field Association revealed the shock news that one of Bermuda?s premier sporting attractions would not take place in 2005 although Tourism Minister Ewart Brown later dismissed the claim, stating the event would take place. ?It?s on ? big time,? he said.

See Sport, Page 21