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Govt. boost for Buy Back Bermuda

Government has donated $300,000 to the ?Buy Back Bermuda? campaign ? facilitating the purchase of almost ten acres of land in the West End to be preserved as open space.

The brainchild of the National Trust and the Audubon Society, the highly-praised initiative has attracted investment from scores of private sector companies and individuals, who have combined to raise the $1.4 million required to purchase land adjacent to the Long Bay National Park ? which consists of a beach, a freshwater pond and some woodland.

Handing over the $300,000 cheque in the Cabinet Office yesterday, Environment Minister Neletha Butterfield praised the two environmental organisations for their ?vision and foresight? in launching the campaign.

Mrs. Butterfield also denied suggestions that Government?s substantial contribution to the scheme had come with strings attached, including the right to have a say in which property the campaign would target next.

Her sentiments were endorsed by BNT president Wayne Jackson, who was keen to stress that Government had never asked for more direct involvement and was merely providing ?a very generous? financial gift.

?The land?s acquisition will create an extended protected area of almost ten acres along the full length of the Long Bay shoreline,? Mrs. Butterfield said.

?The Ministry of the Environment had every confidence that the campaign would succeed because Bermudians have always appreciated that preservation of the natural environment is in our long-term interests.

?As Premier Alex Scott has often said, ?Bermuda works best when we work together?. This is your land ? let?s continue to work together.?

Premier Scott was similarly enthused by the project ? while also paying tribute to former Premier David Saul who has reportedly played a ?significant? part in the whole endeavour.

?What needs to be underscored is that yes, the Government is very pleased to donate the $300,000 ? but there are over 400 other Bermudians who have contributed to the overall figure which now allows us to buy back this important segment of the Island,? he said.

?Bermudians of great wealth and Bermudians of meagre means came together to make this possible and we have now secured a piece of Bermuda which will be protected for all times. Congratulations to all involved.?