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Govt. wants to spread the word

Residents are advised to look out for a Government brochure mailed to every household on the Island as it develops public access to information legislation (PATI).

According to a Government press release sent out this week, the Central Policy Unit Project Team, under the direction of Premier Alex Scott has been conducting research into public access to information legislation for the last five months.

The team has met with various groups to inform them about international best practice and gathered feedback which helped to give form to a policy proposal.

By mid-October, the project team hope to conclude their research when its recommendations for Public Access to Information legislation will be forwarded to the Cabinet.

Government considers the distribution of the brochure an integral phase in the overall project.

The public is asked to review the brochure that provides information about the basic principles of PATI but also to provide as much feedback as possible to the CPU.

After reading the brochure the public can respond with comments or queries to PATIgov.bm or call 298-7168.