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Haley timeline

TIMELINE of events during this week's rescue of two sailors on board the sailing vessel, Haley:

q> 5.21 p.m. — Satellite beacon alert received from US Mission Control Centre for a UK-registered personal locator beacon 32-56.1 North 060-44.8 West (202 miles east of Bermuda).

qB> 5.32 p.m. — Follow-up beacon details received from UK Mission Control Centre identifying sang vessel Haley and registered beacon owner, Olof Templeman. Address: Devon, England. RCC Bermuda attempts to contact UK residence. No answer. Voice message left requesting immediate recall RCC Bermuda.

dings-Regular">q 5.37 p.m. — RCC Bermuda and RCC Norfolk conference call regarding closest merchant vessels. muda identifies Motor Tanker Safanmah as being 45 miles north of Bermuda en route to Gibraltar. Ship requested proceed at best speed. Norfolk directing C-130 launch and will maintain Search Mission Co-ordinator in this case. Bermuda to arrange aircraft refuelling logistics and provide aircraft communication support aecessary.

q 6.15 p.m. — RCC Falmouth (UK) calls Bermuda advising detection of vessel's main EPIRB and a personal locator beacon. Th persons known to be onboard.

q 7.30 p.m. — RCC Norfolk advise US Coast Guard C-130 airborne from Elizabeth City proceeding direct to incid position. Estimated time of arrival three hours.

q 9.20 p.m. — Second C-130 and H helicopter preparing to launch from Elizabeth City en route Bermuda.

q 10.36 p.m. — C-130 using thermal imaging equipment locates two pers clinging to overturned catamaran. Survival kit dropped. Status of third personknown.

q 12.15 a.m. — Second C-130 and H-60 heopter arrive Bermuda.

q 1.21 a.m. — H-60 re-fuelled / re-crewed and taxiing for departure.

q 4.20 a.m. — H-60 completed hoisting two persons and returning Bermuda. C-130 remains on scene searching for person in the water.