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Hannibal installation's an impressive affair

The 140th Annual Installation of Hannibal Lodge No. 224 was most impressive for many reasons. In fact, it proved to be an unprecedented rainbow event with gold being the predominant element.

The gold, of course, was that brilliantly displayed in the regalia arrayed by Provincial Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge and other distinguished Freemasons in record numbers attending the 140th Annual Installation of Hannibal. Central personalities, of course, were R.W. Bro. St. Clair (Brinky) Tucker, Provincial Grand Master of Provincial Grand Lodge of Ireland in Bermuda; Hannibal's outgoing Worshipful Master; his successor, W.M. Llewellyn Trott, and the Installing Master Wor. Bro Robert Ball.

In a few words, their ritualistic work was described as superlative and flawless

Dignitaries from all the other Irish lodges in Bermuda, as well as from the Scottish and Irish Constitutions, were in attendance. Most impressive was a visitation from the Most Wor. Grand Lodge of the State of New Jersey, carrying on a tradition that extends for the past 15 or more years

M.W. Bro Robert Miller, representing the M.W. Grand Master John Ryan of the state of New Jersey, led a delegation of 25 brethren from the state. They included Past Grand Masters Robert Click, Ross Vaness Bayer; Raymond Vandenberghe and R.W. Bros. Charles Scealleus, Steven Courakis and Donald Paldon. Many of the New Jersey dignitaries were accompanied by their ladies.

Nearly 200 brethren packed Hannibal for the ceremonies. A banquet followed in the lower hall of the temple. It too was overflowing, and in a break with the longstanding tradition, the banquet was fully and privately catered, rather than by the outgoing Junior Warden and his staff.

However, there was a notable variation when the outgoing Junior Warden, Bro. Lt. Col. Edward Lamb, as a personable tribute to the head- table dignitaries, provided them with the treat of lobster on the half-shell.

Old-timers were hard put trying to recall a bigger and more stimulating installation anywhere.

Hannibal is the fifth oldest Irish lodge in Bermuda. Its Number, 224, was warranted on February 18, 1867. It meets in Masonic Hall at Old Maid's Lane, St. George's. It formerly met on Water Street, st. George's before moving to Old Maid's Lane. It is one of the most active lodges in the island with a membership of 150 brethren from different parts of the world.

Broad Arrow Lodge No. 1890 formerly owned the building and sold it to Hannibal in 1960. It was started by British soldiers and today there are members who are descendants of those soldiers. It was a multi-racial lodge. There are fifth-generation members and there are other members, who are third- and fourth-generation members.

Apologies were given at the installation for the conspicuous absence for the first time of Hannibal's oldest active member, 99-year-old V.W. George Welch. He is a retired head of the Bermuda Government's Pilot Service, as well as for the absence R.W. Dr. Clarence James, who had the distinction of being the first RW Provincial Grand Master of Irish Lodges in Bermuda, and for R.W. Richard Cadmus of the state of New Jersey Grand Lodge.

It was the relationship formed between R.W. Cadmus and Hannibal's late and lamented V.W. Bro. Earlston (Chicken) Tuzo that was primarily responsible for the reciprocal visitations between Hannibal and the Grand Lodges of New Jersey.

Our photos show: Golden regaled dignitaries are seen at Hannibal's 140th Annual Installation meeting. Middle top are Hannibal Gold1. On the right above Hannibal Gold 2 are Prov. Grand Master St. Clair (Brinky) Tucker and the outgoing 2007 Wor. Master Stephen Outerbridge. Below right are the outgoing Hannibal officers for the year 2007, with their Director of Ceremonies, V.W. Elroy Ratteray on the extreme left. Far left are some of the 200-odd members seen inside the lodge temple and above them are Hannibal's veteran P.M. V.W. Samuel Johansen.