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Health hazard delays lighthouse repair

Damage from hurricane Fabian has made Gibbs Hill Lighthouse into a safety hazard and caused delays in fixing its beacon, The Royal Gazette was told.

"The situation is that the light is operational but the motor has been turned off because part of the light floats in a bathtub of mercury," a Marine and Ports officer said.

"But some of the mercury has come out because of the lighthouse rocking during the storm.

"Initially, we didn't realise how much mercury had spilt, but because it is mercury, it has become a real health hazard."

He added: "Right now the light is aground, so, once the mercury is filled up it will be able to float again and then we can turn the motor back on.

"But, before we can open it back up and get the light fixed, we have to see what type of clean-up is necessary. We're working with the Bermuda Fire Department and our overseas hazard department contacts before we send engineers up to fix it."

The officer said making the lighthouse safe is the first priority.

A newly-installed Bermuda Harbour Radio radar fixed to the top of the lighthouse was also severely damaged, The Royal Gazette was told.

Harbour Radio officer-in-charge Scott Simmons said the 18-foot radar was destroyed by Fabian.

"The scanner, which is the longer part of the radar that people see revolving around, collapsed, folded in half and completely disintegrated," Mr. Simmons said.

"Some neighbours to the northwest of the lighthouse said there were pieces of the radar in their yard but we haven't heard of any damage done because of the (collateral) damage."

Currently, Harbour Radio is recovering the pieces from the radar and a new one will have to be shipped again from the manufacturer overseas.

"A new radar will probably take a while to be shipped here because it will need to be built for us," Mr. Simmons said. "But, in the long run, it is helpful with tracking ships off the Island, search and rescue and the general awareness around Bermuda's coastline."