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Health Minister unveils new Child Abuse Register

There were more than 200 reported cases of crimes against children in Bermuda last year.Of these, 24 were reported sexual assault, 19 unlawful carnal knowledge of a minor, 11 assaults which included bodily harm, one child abduction, 11 child neglect investigations, 19 investigations into child neglect, eight cases of child abuse ? emotionally and sexually ? and included inappropriate ?correcting? of a child (punishment) and 109 cases of children reported missing.

There were more than 200 reported cases of crimes against children in Bermuda last year.

Of these, 24 were reported sexual assault, 19 unlawful carnal knowledge of a minor, 11 assaults which included bodily harm, one child abduction, 11 child neglect investigations, 19 investigations into child neglect, eight cases of child abuse ? emotionally and sexually ? and included inappropriate ?correcting? of a child (punishment) and 109 cases of children reported missing.

Inspector Peter Giles from the Juvenile and Domestic Crime Unit said on Friday that most of the 109 children reported missing included repeat cases of children who were not ?missing? in the sense of the word, but had run away from home, did not return after a night out, or were living in care.

Last years? figure, he said, was much the same as 2003 except that it included one murder of a child.

In an effort to clamp down on crimes against children, the Ministry of Health and Family Services unveiled a child abuse register on Friday.

Speaking in the House, said the register would allow organisations, agencies, day care providers or any establishment working with children, to make application to the Director of Child and Family Services for information related to the suitability of an individual requesting to work with our children, using the guidelines of the Protection of Children Act.

Mrs. Minors said a person is entered into the register if the court finds that a child has suffered in circumstances where the child has been physically harmed, sexually abused, or has suffered serious emotional harm, at the hand of of that person, or by the person?s failure to supervise and protect the child adequately.

A person is also entered into the register if they are convicted of an offence against a child,? she said.

However, all entrants will be given written notice of the registration and can only be given with the consent of the person to whom the request relates.

Application packages can be obtained from the office of the Director of Child and Family Services.

Mrs. Minors said the package must be signed off by the inquiring organisation as well as the individual seeking a position to work with children.

?The package also allows for the individual to authorise the Commissioner of Police to release to the Director of Child and Family Services any information pertaining to, or verification of criminal convictions that may deem the person unsuitable to work with children.

Mrs. Minors said the Ministry was committed to enhancing the opportunities to provide quality care and protection of our children, and this register will go a long way to making families more assured that we are doing as much as possible for the protection of Bermuda?s children.