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Highway robbers get away with $300

A 39-year-old Paget man was pushed off his motorcycle and robbed of $300 in cash in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The incident happened when the man was riding home from Hamilton when he noticed two motorcycles following him.

One of the motorcycles forced the man to veer onto White Sands Road, Paget causing him to fall off his cycle. Then one of the suspects jumped on him, forced him into a choke hold and punched him three times, while another man removed his black Nike wallet and other personal items.

The thieves escaped the scene leaving their victim with minor facial injuries.

One of the suspects is described as a big muscular six foot tall light brown skinned man and the other is described as a slim 6'0" tall light brown skinned man.

Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward or anyone with information is asked to call 295-0011.