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Historic building's windows to be replaced

PVC windows which the Ministry of Works and Engineering installed in historic St. George's Post Office without approval from heritage watchdogs are set to be taken out and replaced.

There was outrage in the summer of 2001 when the roof of the building was taken off by Works and Engineering and work commenced without consent from the St. George's Preservation Authority.

The Preservation Authority has to approve all exterior renovations carried out within the preservation area of the old town, which is now a United Nations World Heritage site.

Now an application has been submitted to Planning to remove the windows and replace them with period windows.

The application has been submitted by a Mr. Benevides, who is believed to be a Works and Engineering technical officer, said Henry Hayward, the chairman of the Preservation Authority.

Mr. Hayward, who is also Mayor of St. George's, told The Royal Gazette last week that the Preservation Authority had approved of the plan to replace the PVC windows.

"It's a continuation of the renovation that was done when the roof was removed," he said.

"St. George's Preservation Authority has had a meeting with Works and Engineering and agreed that certain changes would take place in order to bring the building to similar to what it was before.

"I expressed my concern at the time (about the work), and I think it is a case that they (Works and Engineering) now know that anybody that's making exterior renovations within the preservation area have to have them approved by the Preservation Authority.

"I am just happy to hear that the application has gone through to Planning and I hope it will all be completed prior to the tourist season."