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Homeless mother just wants 'somewhere where we can sleep'

A car that a mother and son were sleeping in broke down last week ? and they had to spend the night on the streets of Hamilton hoping to either see someone they knew or to sleep in a quiet crevice until the next day.

The woman was featured in two weeks ago, has been unsuccessful in securing accommodation.

She had a meeting with Bermuda Housing Corporation general manager Vance Campbell and he was trying to secure a place for the pair.

Mr. Campbell said that at the moment the BHC were not able to offer temporary accommodation to boys over the age of 13, so he was trying to accommodate the mother and son in the private sector.

For over six months the family have been sleeping in a car ever since the courts ordered that her apartment was not habitable. The woman said that the estate agent who had come into to offer her a house was not in a position to do so and the other man who phoned the newspaper to offer her a temporary room was not reachable.

The woman said: "I don't know what to do any more.

"I cannot find a place and no one seems to be able to help us. I just want somewhere where we can sleep. I am tired."

Mr. Campbell said he was trying to help the woman, but the housing situation on the Island was not making his job any easier. "The last Census revealed that there were 2,000 vacant properties on the Island," said Mr. Campbell.

"But unless people are prepared to rent the accommodations to the BHC, there is nothing that we can do.

"If they did, we would not have to build properties, there would be enough houses for everyone in need of accommodation right now."

Mr. Campbell also added that the BHC were looking at ways in which they could re-house the entire family in one unit, rather than families having to separate because they have a son who is too old to stay in the women's temporary shelter.