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Horton appoints workforce team

Randolph Horton

Government yesterday launched its Workforce Employment Strategy in partnership with the ACE Foundation to help Bermudians secure better paying jobs on the Island.

The initiative was introduced by Minister of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety Randolph Horton at a press conference held in the Cabinet building.

"It is a fact we have some 9,500 work permit holders among our workforce of approximately 35,000 people. The presence of work permit holders is inevitable. It is unacceptable that significant numbers of Bermudians seem to have opted out of the work place," the Minister said.

"They either lack the skills to perform certain jobs, the will to do certain jobs or the will or opportunity to attain skills that will enable them to perform certain jobs.

"The successful implementation of the workforce development initiative will provide the establishment of a Bermudian workforce system that meets the needs of the economy and ensures equal opportunities for all Bermudians."

As part of this initiative a Workforce Development Task Force has been created with Milton Scott, Director of Labour and Training, serving as chairman of the Task Force and the ACE Foundation's Ralph Richardson serving as vice chairman.

Volunteers from four subcommittees of the Task Force have been charged with the responsibility of drafting an inventory of all the activities that relate to their specific areas (Public Education, Employment Transition Services, Training and Industry/Commerce) before the next Budget.

This inventory will be used to assist the Task Force in compiling and publishing a full catalogue of workforce development-related activity in Bermuda and make recommendations.

This year the Government has allocated $300,000 to implement the Employment Strategy covered under the budget for labour and training.

Asked what these funds will go towards, the Minister responded: "We don't exactly know what will be developed, the Task Force members will decide, based on the recommendations made by the Arnold Group report ("Doing Better In Bermuda") to determine which way we should go."

The report became the focus of discussions surrounding how Bermudians can be helped prepare for a first job, a new job or a better job.

"The Government and the people of Bermuda recognise that their Island community is at a crossroads and that a dialogue must commence to address these major issues," Mr. Horton explained. "The context for that dialogue is the Sustainable Development Initiative.

"A core element of that unfolding initiative must be a plan to address the education and training needs of the citizenry. The goal is to maximise the potential of all Bermudians in all sectors at all levels of the workforce."