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Hospital board meetings to go public

The public may soon have a better understanding of hospital matters with plans to open up at least three Board of Directors' meetings a year to the public.

Chairman of the Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) Johnathan Brewin made the announcement recently and said that the move would open communications between the BHB, its employees and the public.

"Beginning in the summer the Board will hold several open Board meetings to enable the public, media and staff to understand the decision making process for both hospitals. The dates, times and venue of the open Board meetings will be advertised in the media," he said.

"The new Board recognises that effective communication with its employees and the community is of paramount importance. We have a duty to the public and our staff to be as transparent as possible. Our primary objective is the care of our patients and we welcome any member of the community to attend one of our open Board meetings.

"In addition, we have set up a system for the media so that they can have ongoing access to hospital information."

The BHB has hired Troncossi Public Relations, a local public relations consultancy, to help it communicate with the public and its staff more regularly about its ongoing activities. Troncossi also provides a Press office service to the media.

Registrar General website up and running

Getting birth certificates, death certificates, registering a charity or copyrighting material can all be a little easier as much of the information you will need to complete the tasks is now available online.

Yesterday the Registrar General's office announced that its website was up and running with a host of information on its various services.

While members of the public will not be able to request a new birth certificate online, they are now able to download the necessary application form and read what other documents are required.

The same is true for those needing a marriage certificate, death certificate or those wishing to patent a product or copyright their material.

Information on the department is available at www.registrygeneral.gov.bm.