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'I shall seek to carry out my duties conscientiously'

Sir John Vereker talks to schoolchildren with Premier Jennifer Smith after being sworn in as Governor and commander and chief of Bermuda at the Cabinet Office

Bermuda's new Governor Sir John Vereker yesterday pledged to maintain the "delicate balance" between the powers of the Governor and the pwoers of the Government as he officially took over the job as the Queen's representative before crowds of dignitaries and visitors on the Cabinet Building lawn.

Amidst pomp and pageantry, Sir John and Lady Vereker arrived with broad smiles in a horse-drawn carriage for the 50-minute swearing-in ceremony.

He inspected a Bermuda Regiment honour guard under the glare of TV and press cameras, stopping to talk to soldiers along the way.

Then he stood before the crowd of 200 or so people, where, in line with tradition, Chief Justice Austin Ward asked Sir John to take the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen, the Official Oath, and the Judicial Oath.

Afterwards, Sir John, in full ceremonial uniform and plumed hat, made his first official public address since arriving on the Island on Tuesday night.

"Madam Premier, I do not take lightly the oaths I have just sworn," said Sir John. "Your Governor is not the Government; under the Constitution there is a delicate balance between the powers and duties of the Government of Bermuda and the powers and duties of the Governor.

"I shall seek to preserve that balance carefully. I shall seek to use the powers given to the Governor under the Constitution wisely. I shall seek to carry out my duties conscientiously."

And he said Bermuda's relationship with the UK now reflected the principle of partnership embodied in the 1999 White Paper.

He added: "It remains the duty of the Governor to represent both the interests of Bermuda to the UK, and the interests of the UK to Bermuda.

"I shall endeavour to do both, with your help, in the confidence that together we can build a strong relationship in a sophisticated society capable of mature discussion, and in the hope that in my time as Governor, I will be able to contribute to the extraordinary success story that is Bermuda."

Premier Jennifer Smith welcomed both Sir John and Lady Vereker and congratulated him on becoming Bermuda's 86th Governor stretching back to 1612.

She said: "We look forward to your tenure as Governor. You bring a wealth of personal experience and expertise gained from a distinguished career in the British Civil Service.

"The warmth of the welcome you have already received should demonstrate that you are among the friendliest people on Earth.

"Over the next few months there will be opportunities for you to get to know each of us gathered here on an individual basis. In the meantime, it remains for me to offer you both the warmest of welcomes and to extend every best wish for your Bermuda tenure."

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Governor Tim Gurney and his wife Denise, Police Commissioner Jonathan Smith, and Regiment Commanding Officer Lt. Col. David Gibbons, along with Ministers and MPs from both Government and the Opposition, along with many others.

Sir John and Lady Vereker spent time greeting most of them, however, they also dedicated much of their time to greeting students from Bermuda Institute, local residents and tourists who had turned out to watch the colourful festivities.

And both of them seemed relaxed and right at home.